I belong to my beloved, and my beloved is mine.

Song of Songs 6:3

We met through a common friend 14+ years ago. It was not love at first sight, but the attraction was palpable. We started off as friends, got to know each other deeper and agreed that we both love adventure, exploring activities we have not done in the past, and experiencing life at its rawest facet. We bonded further through shared stories and dreams under the stars as we both love to drive and do unplanned night picnics or camping. Our relationship then is strengthened by our aligned goals to continue living our life in an intrinsic way— a life spent together exploring, indulging our palettes for our shared love of food, and to see the world and its wholesome beauty with each other.

Later, both young and in love we decided to move our relationship into something intimate. 10 years ago, we married with a few of our family under the courts of Washington. We fulfilled our dream to create a family of five from love and agreed to expose our most adored children to the same interest that bonded us together in the first place. Over time, we noted that there was a missing piece in our life’s journey. In our search, we found and reconnected with our first love before each other and before our children. We found the love and grace of Jesus again. Immediately, we dedicated and surrendered the lives of our children to the Lord. Now, after 10 years of waiting, we want to offer our love, our life together, and our marriage to Jesus as well. We are excited and want to invite you to witness as we renew our vows under the covenant of our Heavenly Father. Celebrate with us!

To our friends and families who have witnessed our love and life’s story, you who stood by us, prayed for us, and continuously love us— we are deeply honored and blessed by each of you ❤. Thank you!